September's legislative developments in Ottawa
Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, Boreal Caribou, Advertising for Sports Betting, Study on Changes to Capital Gains Tax, Protection of Minors in the Digital Age, Pharmacare
Today’s issue of Queen Street Analytics covers September’s legislative developments in Ottawa, with updates on bills that sit in committee, bills that went through first, second or third reading in the House and the Senate, and bills that received royal assent and became law.
Table of Contents (by file):
Energy, Environment and Resources
Agriculture and Forestry
Transport and Infrastructure
Finance, Banking, Commerce
Industry, Technology, Science
Indigenous Peoples
International Trade and Foreign Affairs
National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
Fisheries and Oceans
Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Languages
Highlights (by file):
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1. Energy, Environment and Resources
House-Committee on Natural Resources (RNNR)
Study on Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion
2 meetings held in September.
No briefs submitted.
9 witnesses appeared in September from Canada Energy Regulator, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Environmental Defence Canada, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, University of Calgary, University of Saskatchewan. No witnesses appeared previously.
Study on Canada’s Electricity Grid and Network
2 meetings held in September. In total, 6 meetings held since May 9, 2024.
11 briefs submitted in September by Clean Prosperity, Electricity Human Resources Canada, Passamaquoddy Recognition Group Inc, The United Church of Canada. In total, 27 briefs submitted since May 2023 by Acadia Center, Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick, Electricity Canada, Electro-Federation Canada, Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada, Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Ontario Power Generation Inc., Sacred Earth Solar.
9 witnesses appeared in September from Canada West Foundation, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Clean Energy Canada, David Suzuki Foundation, Electricity Human Resources Canada, Energy For A Secure Future, Environmental Defence Canada, Indigenous Clean Energy. In total, 27 witnesses appeared since May.
House Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI)
Study on Factors Leading to the Recent Fires in Jasper National Park
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
3 witnesses appeared in September from Parks Canada Agency. No previous witnesses.
Study on Environment and Climate Impacts Related to the Canadian Financial System
1 meeting held in September. In total, 5 meetings held since May.
1 brief submitted in September. No previous briefs submitted.
6 witnesses appeared in September from Canadian Climate Institute, Carbon Tracker Initiative, Environmental Defence Canada, re•generation. In total, 35 witnesses appeared since May.
Study on Emergency Order for Boreal Caribou Protection under the Species at Risk Act
3 meetings held in September. In total, 5 meetings held since August.
4 briefs submitted in September by Centrale des syndicats démocratiques, MinièreO3, Québec Mining Association, The Mining Association of Canada. No previous briefs submitted.
25 witnesses appeared in September from Association québécoise de la production d'énergie renouvelable, Association québécoise des entrepreneurs forestiers, Boisaco Inc., Centrale des syndicats démocratiques, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, David Suzuki Foundation, Département de l'environnement, Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, Ripco Inc., Unifor Québec. In total, 41 witnesses appeared since August.
2. Agriculture and Forestry
Report Stage in the House
Bill C-322 (develop a national framework to establish a school food program): report stage completed on September 17.
House Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (AGRI)
No activity in September
3. Transport and Infrastructure
House Committee on Transport, Infrastructure (TRAN)
Study on Canada Infrastructure Bank’s Involvement in the Lake Erie Connector Project
1 meeting held in September. In total, 3 meetings held since April.
No briefs submitted.
No witnesses appeared in September. In total, 8 witnesses appeared since April.
Study on Passenger Rail Service - VIA Rail Canada Inc. Incident on August 31, 2024
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
3 witnesses appeared in September from VIA Rail Canada Inc. No previous witnesses.
Senate Committee on Transport and Comms (TRCM)
Bill S-269
An Act respecting a national framework on advertising for sports betting
2 meetings held in September. In total, 4 meetings held since June.
7 briefs submitted in September from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Canadian Football League, Cardus, House of Lords, National Football League, National Hockey League, Sagewood Resources. In total, 12 briefs submitted since June from Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
18 witnesses appeared in September from Canadian Association of Broadcasters, Canadian Heritage, Canadian Lottery Coalition, Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, Canadian Psychological Association, Campaign to Ban Advertising for Gambling, Cardus, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy, Greo Evidence Insights, House of Lords, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Responsible Gambling Council, Sagewood Resources, Sport Canada, University of Bristol, University of Toronto Scarborough. No previous witnesses.
4. Finance, Banking, Commerce
House Committee on Finance (FINA)
Study on Changes to Capital Gains and Corresponding Measures Announced in Budget 2024
3 meetings held in September. In total, 4 meetings held since June.
7 briefs submitted in September by Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting, Grain Farmers of Ontario, Grain Growers of Canada, Keystone Agricultural Producers, Ontopical. In total, 8 briefs submitted since June by Canadian Federation of Independent Business.
20 witnesses appeared in September from Canadian Cattle Association, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canadian Teachers' Federation, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec, GRIT Engineering, NOW Housing, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer. In total, 25 witnesses appeared since June.
Senate Committee Banking, Commerce, Economy (BANC)
Bill C-280
An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (deemed trust — perishable fruits and vegetables)
2 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
2 briefs submitted in September by Canadian Produce Marketing Association. In total, 5 briefs submitted since November 2023 by Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals, Canadian Produce Marketing Association, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.
8 witnesses appeared from Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals, Canadian Produce Marketing Association, Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation, Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada, Gwillimdale Farms Ltd., Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada. No previous witnesses.
5. Industry, Technology, Science
First Reading in the House
Bill C-412 (enact the Protection of Minors in the Digital Age Act and to amend the Criminal Code): first reading completed on September 16.
Second Reading in the House
Bill C-378 (amending the Canada Labour Code (complaints by former employees)): second reading completed on September 25.
House Committee on Industry and Technology (INDU)
Study on Recent Investigation and Reports on Sustainable Development Technology Canada
1 meeting held in September. In total, 8 meetings held since November 2023.
No briefs submitted.
3 witnesses appeared in September from Office of the COnflict of Intereest and Ethics Commissioner. In total, 22 witnesses appeared since November 2023.
Bill C-27
An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts
2 meeting held in September. In total, 8 meetings held since September 2023.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 113 briefs submitted since May 2023 from Access Copyright, Acceptable Ads Committee, ACTRA - National, AI Governance and Safety Canada, AltaML Inc., Amnesty International Canada, Amnistie internationale Canada francophone, American Registry for Internet Numbers, Assembly of First Nations, Association nationale des éditeurs de livres, Automotive Industries Association of Canada, BSA The Software Alliance, Canadian Anonymization Network, Canadian Association of Professional Employees, Canadian Authors Association, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian Bar Association - Privacy and Access Law Section, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Canadian Marketing Association, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Telecommunications Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Cofone, Ignacio, Copibec, Directors Guild of Canada, Équité Association, Entertainment Software Association of Canada, Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, General Motors of Canada Limited, Gladstone AI, Google Canada, Hedderson, Myron, Imagine Canada, Information and Communications Technology Council, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Information Technology Industry Council, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada, International Association of Privacy Professionals, International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, International Committee of the Red Cross, IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc., Literary Press Group of Canada, Mastercard Canada, Meta Platforms Inc., Microsoft, Mines Action Canada, Motion Picture Association-Canada, Music Canada, OpenMedia, Option consommateurs, Peloton Technologies, Privacy and Access Council of Canada, Public Health Association of BC, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Retail Council of Canada, Salesforce, Screen Composers Guild of Canada, Stellantis, Technation, The Canadian Bar Association - Privacy and Access Law Section, The Canadian Medical Association, The Dais at Toronto Metropolitan University, The Writers Guild of Canada, Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois, Union des consommateurs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Writers Guild of Canada.
6 witnesses appeared in September from Department of Industry. In total, 137 witnesses appeared since September 2023.
Senate Committee on Science and Technology (SOCI)
Bill C-64
An Act respecting pharmacare
4 meetings held in September. No previous meetings.
26 briefs submitted in September by Arthritis Society Canada, Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires, Best Medicines Coalition, Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management (CAPDM), Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Council of Canadians, Diabetes Canada, Food Allergy Canada, Health Canada, Innovative Medicines Canada, National Indigenous Diabetes Association, National Pensioners Federation, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada, Smart Health Benefits Coalition, Sun Life Assurance Company Canada. In total, 27 briefs submitted since August by Heart and Stroke Foundation.
21 witnesses appeared in September from Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Pharmacists Association, Canada's Drug Agency, Council of Canadians, Diabetes Canada, Health Association of African Canadians, Health Canada, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Montreal Economic Institute, National Indigenous Diabetes Association, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance, The Conference Board of Canada, The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. No previous witnesses.
6. Indigenous Peoples
First Reading in the House
Bill C-413 (amend the Criminal Code (promotion of hatred against Indigenous peoples)): first reading completed on September 26.
House Committee on Indigenous/Northern Affairs (INAN)
Bill C-61
4 meetings held in September. In total, 7 meetings held since June.
5 briefs submitted in September by Ermineskin Cree Nation, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council, First Nations Advisory Committee on Safe Drinking Water, Nishnawbe Aski Nation. ​​In total, 6 briefs submitted since August.
23 witnesses appeared in September from Anishinabek Nation, Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat, Canadian Medical Association, Chiefs of Ontario, Cowessess First Nation, Ermineskin Cree Nation, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, First Nations Advisory Committee on Safe Drinking Water, Kativik School Board, Mikisew Cree First Nation, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, Water Movement. ​​In total, 39 witnesses a;peared since June.
Report published on the Passing of Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grand Chief Cathy Merrick
Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples (APPA)
Study to Examine the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2021 by Canada and First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples
1 meeting held in September. In total, 10 meetings held since February.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 10 briefs submitted by Coalition for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Department of Justice Canada, Indigenous Bar Association, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada. ​​
1 witness appeared in September from Quebec Native Women Inc. In total, 32 witnesses appeared since February.
Study to Examine the federal government’s constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and any other subject concerning Indigenous Peoples
1 meeting held in September. In total, 55 meetings held since March 2022.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 69 briefs submitted since May 2022 by Alberta Human Rights Commission, Assembly of First Nations, Behdzi Ahda First Nation, Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Coalition Canada Basic Income, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Indigenous Bar Association, Indigenous Services Canada, Library and Archives Canada, Mental Health and Addictions, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Office of the Correctional Investigator, Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools, Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Public Safety Canada, Quebec Native Women Inc., Royal BC Museum, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, Specific Claims Tribunal, Tobique First Nation, Whitecap Dakota First Nation.
3 witnesses appeared in September from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada. In total, 179 witnesses appeared since March 2022.
7. International Trade and Foreign Affairs
House Committee on International Trade (CIIT)
Report on The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management System (CARM)
1 meeting held in September. In total, 5 meetings held since March.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 14 briefs submitted since March by Advance Paper Box Ltd., American Chamber of Commerce in Canada, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Association of International Customs and Border Agencies, Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters, Canadian Association of Regulated Importers, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association, Canadian Produce Marketing Association, Canadian Society of Customs Brokers, Canadian Spice Association, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Cole International, Confederación de Asociaciones de Agentes Aduanales de la República Mexicana, Customs and Immigration Union, DHL International, Express Association of America, Express Carrier Coalition Canada, FB Canada Express, Federal Express Canada Ltd., FedEx Logistics, Girdlestone Brokerage Ltd, Global Automakers of Canada, Landmark Global, National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc., National Foreign Trade Council, North American Customs Brokers Alliance, Northern Border Customs Brokers Association, Pet Food Association of Canada, Purolator, Retail Council of Canada, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, UPS Canada, Volkswagen Group Canada Inc., Whirlpool Canada LP.
6 witnesses appeared in September from Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters, Customs and Immigration Union, Federal Express Canada Ltd., UPS Canada. In total, 16 witnesses appeared since March.
Study on Protecting Certain Canadian Manufacturing Sectors, Including Electric Vehicles, Aluminum and Steel, Against Related Chinese Imports and Measures
3 meetings held in September. No previous meetings.
2 briefs submitted by Canadian Labour Congress, United Steelworkers.
16 witnesses appeared in September from Alberta Uyghur Association, Aluminium Association of Canada, Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Steel Producers Association, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Clean Energy Canada, Electric Mobility Canada, Environmental Defence Canada, Herman & Associates, Unifor, United Steelworkers Union. No previous witnesses.
House Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE)
Study on Briefing on the Current Situation in Sudan
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
3 witnesses appeared in September from Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. No previous witnesses.
Report on the Situation of the Hazaras in Afghanistan
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (AEFA)
Bill C-282
An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management)
2 meetings held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
16 witnesses appeared in September from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, C.D. Howe Institute, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Global Affairs Canada, National Farmers Union, University of Calgary, School of Public Policy. No previous witnesses.
Study on foreign relations and international trade generally
2 meetings held in September. In total, 31 meetings held since March 2022.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 3 briefs submitted since April 2023 from Global Affairs Canada.
8 witnesses appeared in September from Global Affairs Canada, UNICEF, Save the Children Canada, World Food Program. In total, 112 witnesses appeared since March 2022.
8. National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
House Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU)
Review of the Foiled Terrorist Plot in Toronto and of the Security Screening Process for Permanent Residence and Citizenship Application
2 meetings held in September. In total, 4 meetings held since August.
1 brief held in September by Matrixvisa Inc. No previous briefs.
9 witnesses appeared in September from Canada Border Service Agency, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In total, 20 witnesses appeared since August.
Study on Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada
1 meeting held in September. In total, 7 meetings held since February.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 11 briefs submitted since February by Association des directeurs de police du Québec, Association of Canadian Port Authorities, Automotive Industries Association of Canada, CAA Insurance Company, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, Canadian Automobile Association, Canadian Vehicle Exporter's Association, Customs and Immigration Union, National Police Federation, Shipping Federation of Canada, VIN Verification Services Inc., York Regional Police.
No witnesses appeared in September. In total, 42 witnesses appeared since February.
House Committee on National Defence (NDDN)
Study on Defence Policy Update
1 meeting held in September. In total, 3 meetings held since April.
No briefs submitted.
5 witnesses appeared in September from Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, Canadian Association of Defence and Security, Space Canada. In total, 15 witnesses appeared since April.
Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs (SECD)
Bill C-20
An Act establishing the Public Complaints and Review Commission and amending certain Acts and statutory instruments
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
2 briefs submitted from National Police Federation, International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group and Other Organizations. No previous briefs.
9 witnesses appeared in September from Canada Border Services Agency, Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP, Public Safety Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. No previous witnesses.
House Committee on Veterans Affairs (ACVA)
Study on Adequacy of Compensation for Pain and Suffering
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
1 witness appeared in September as an individual. No previous witnesses.
Report on Transition to Civilian Life
3 meetings held in September. In total, 7 meetings held since February.
No briefs submitted.
1 witness appeared in September as an individual. No previous witnesses.
9. Fisheries and Oceans
House Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO)
Study on Population Sustainability of Yukon Salmon Stocks
1 meeting held in September. In total, 8 meetings held since February.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 6 briefs submitted since February by Assembly of First Nations, Council of Yukon First Nations, Little Salmon Carmacks First Nations, Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee.
No witnesses appeared in September. In total, 20 witnesses appeared since February.
Report on Derelict and Abandoned Vessels
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
7 witnesses appeared sin September from Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Transport. No previous witnesses.
Report on Statutory Review of the Fisheries Act 2019
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
No briefs submitted.
4 witnesses appeared in September from Department of Fisheries and Oceans. No previous witnesses.
Study on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
1 meeting held in September. In total, 14 meetings held since November 2023.
No briefs submitted in September. In total, 5 briefs submitted since December 2023 by Global Fishing Watch, International Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance (IMCS) Network, Regroupement des pêcheurs pélagiques professionnels du sud de la Gaspésie.
No witnesses appeared in September. In total, 33 witnesses appeared since November 2023.
Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (POFO)
Study on Examine and report on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and its work
1 meeting held in September. No previous meetings.
4 briefs submitted in September from Great Lakes Fishery Commission. No previous briefs.
2 witnesses appeared in September from Great Lakes Fishery Commissioner. No previous witnesses.
10. Health
First Reading in the Senate
Bill S-288 (Inherited Blood Disorders Awareness Day): first reading completed on September 19.
House Committee on Health (HESA)
Study on Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada
1 meeting held in September. In total, 13 meetings held since December 2023.
2 briefs submitted in September by Solutions for Kids in Pain. In total, 27 briefs submitted since January by ANKORS, Association pour la santé publique du Québec, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, Canadian Chiropractic Association, Canadian Civil Society Advancing Safe Supply Working Group, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, Children’s Healthcare Canada, Communities, Alliances and Networks, Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal, Eastside Illicit Drinkers Group for Education, Indigenous Chiropractic Caucus, Moms Stop the Harm, Native Women's Shelter of Montreal, Ottawa Inner City Health, Ontario Drug Policy Research Network, Save the Children Canada, Solutions for Kids in Pain, The J Healthcare Initiative, Toronto Harm Reduction Alliance, Toronto Public Health, Vancouver Coastal Health, British Columbia Centre on Substance Use, Canada Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research Network.
5 witnesses appeared in September from Canadian Mental Health Association - National. In total, 59 witnesses appeared since December 2023.
Report on Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines
2 meetings held in September. In total, there were 5 meetings held since June.
3 briefs submitted in September by Canadian Society of Breast Imaging. In total, 15 briefs submitted since June by Canadian Association of Radiologists, Canadian Cancer Society, Dense Breasts Canada.
No witnesses appeared in September. In total, 9 witnesses appeared since June.
11. Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Language
First Reading in the House
Bill S-244 (amend the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and the Employment Insurance Act (Employment Insurance Council)): first reading completed on September 23.
Report Stage in the House
Bill C-273 (amend the Criminal Code (Corinne’s Quest and the protection of children)): report stage completed on September 18.
Bill C-315 (amend the Old Age Security Act (amount of full pension)): report stage completed on September 25.
That is it for today’s issue. Next week, we cover Ottawa’s lobbying landscape in September.