August’s regulatory developments in Ottawa
chicken market quotas, carbon steel regulations, Burmese economic regulations and cannabis fees
Regulations are the nuts and bolts that give practical effect to legislation, which makes regulatory changes ever more important in today’s business environment. That is why, every month, Queen Street Analytics provides key updates on new regulations coming into effect or being proposed.
Table of Contents (by file):
Energy, Environment and Resourctes
Agriculture and Forestry
Transport and Infrastructure
Finance, Banking, Commerce
Industry, Technology, Science
International Trade and Foreign Affairs
Indigenous Peoples
National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
Fisheries and Oceans
Government Operations, Public Accounts, National Finance
Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Languages
Highlights (by file):
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1. New Regulations
New regulations amending the Canadian Chicken Marketing Quota Regulations (SOR/2024-166)
Agency: Chicken Farmers of Canada
Statutory authority: Farm Products Agencies Act
TL;DR: set the limits for the production and marketing of chicken for the period A-191, beginning August 25, 2024, and ending October 19, 2024
New regulations amending the Domestic Substances List (SOR/2024-163) (SOR/2024-164)
Agency: Minister of the Environment
Statutory authority: Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
TL;DR: adding and removing specific chemical substances
New regulations designating the Tuvaijuittuq Marine Protected Area (SOR/2024-165)
Agency: Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Statutory authority: Oceans Act
New regulations amending the Canadian Turkey Marketing Quota Regulations, 1990 (SOR/2024-170)
Agency: Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency
Statutory authority: Farm Products Agencies Act
TL;DR: revising the quotas for turkey production
New order amending the Cannabis Fees Order (SI/2024-38)
Agency: Minister of Health
Statutory authority: Cannabis Act
TL;DR: simplifying the exemption process for the annual regulatory fee for licence holders who sell cannabis exclusively for medical purposes
New supplementary rules respecting Nicotine Replacement Therapies Order (SOR/2024-169)
Agency: Minister of Health
Statutory authority: Food and Drugs Act
TL;DR: establishes rules for nicotine replacement therapies, including requirements for product licenses, label mock-ups, and limitations on retail sales
New regulations amending the Special Economic Measures (Belarus, Burma) Regulations (SOR/2024-167) (SOR/2024-168)
Agency: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Statutory authority: Special Economic Measures Act
2. Proposed New Regulations
April 20, 2024: Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) proposes new regulations amending the immigration and refugee protection regulations (authority: Immigration and Refugee Protection Act)
Objective: support broader Government of Canada priorities with respect to immigration enforcement through improving program integrity and reducing risks to public safety or national security posed by foreign nationals inadmissible on serious grounds
30-day commenting period open until May 20th
August 24, 2024: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development proposes amendments to the General Import Permit No. 80 – Carbon Steel (authority: Export and Import Permits Act)
Objective: Enhance transparency in the domestic supply chain for steel imports by requiring importers to provide country of melt and pour (COM) information to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) at the time of importation. This aims to improve the data quality of the Steel Import Monitoring Program.
30-day consultation (until September 23, 2024, 11:59 PM EST)
August 24, 2024: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development proposes amendments to the General Import Permit No. 81 – Specialty Steel Products (authority: Export and Import Permits Act)
Objective: Enhance transparency in the steel supply chain by requiring importers to provide country of melt and pour (COM) information at the time of importation. This aims to improve data quality for the Steel Import Monitoring Program.
30-day consultation (until September 23, 2024, 11:59 PM EST)
3. Notices from Agencies and Commissions
Canada Border Services Agency
August 3, 2024: Notice with respect to the extension of the preliminary phase of the investigation into the alleged injurious dumping of certain concrete reinforcing bar from Bulgaria, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.
August 3, 2024: Notice with respect to preliminary determinations of dumping and subsidizing concerning high protein content pea protein from China.
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
August 3, 2024: Notice with respect to the commencement of an inquiry into the dumping and subsidizing of high protein content pea protein from China.
August 3, 2024: Notice with respect to the continuation of the order concerning the dumping and subsidizing of seamless carbon or alloy steel oil and gas well casing from the People’s Republic of China.
August 10, 2024: Determination with respect to a complaint filed by Newland Canada Corporation concerning a procurement by Public Works and Government Services for the provision of accommodation services in Québec City, Quebec.
August 10, 2024: Determination with respect to a complaint filed by Global Total Office concerning a procurement by the Department of National Defence for the provision and installation of office furniture and seating.
August 10, 2024: Expiry review of order concerning the dumping and subsidizing of thermoelectric warmers and coolers from China.
August 10, 2024: Inquiry into a complaint filed by Evripos Janitorial Services concerning a procurement by Public Works and Government Services for cleaning and janitorial services.
August 24, 2024: Notice of public hearings for appeals relating to the Customs Act and Excise Tax Act
August 24, 2024: Initiation of expiry review (RR-2024-004) of orders concerning circular copper tube. Participants must file Form I—Notice of Participation by August 27, 2024. The Tribunal will issue its order by June 18, 2025.
August 24, 2024: Inquiry into a complaint from Evripos Janitorial Services Ltd. regarding a procurement for cleaning and janitorial services by the Department of Public Works and Government Services. The Tribunal decided to conduct an inquiry on August 9, 2024.
August 31, 2024: Notice regarding the determination on a complaint filed by Weatherlogics Inc. concerning the Department of the Environment’s procurement for updating Canadian precipitation datasets.
August 31, 2024: Notice regarding the continuation of the finding related to the dumping and subsidizing of sucker rods originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
August 3, 2024: Notice with respect to public consultations and the posting of applications for renewal or amendment.
August 3, 2024: Decision with respect to Bell Media Inc.’s application for CJBK in London, Ontario.
August 3, 2024: Decision with respect to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s English- and French-language audio-visual services across Canada.
August 10, 2024: Decision with respect to Vernon Community Radio Society’s CFAV-FM in Vernon, British Columbia.
August 10, 2024: Decision with respect to Consumers' Association of Canada and others regarding tangible benefits payments to the BPF.
August 10, 2024: Decision with respect to Local Radio Lab. Inc.’s CIND-FM in Toronto, Ontario.
August 10, 2024: Decision with respect to U Multicultural Inc.’s English-language community FM radio station in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
August 24, 2024: Notice to interested parties regarding the posting of original decisions, notices of consultation, regulatory policies, information bulletins, and orders on the Commission’s website.
August 24, 2024: Notice of application by Corus Entertainment Inc., application number 2024-0418-5, concerning various online undertakings across Canada.
August 24, 2024: Notice regarding number 2024-182, Gatineau, Quebec.
August 24, 2024: Notice regarding decision number 2024-178, Société Radio Communautaire du Grand Edmonton Society, CFED-FM, Edmonton, Alberta.
August 31, 2024: Notice with respect to the decision involving the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for the CBYG-FM undertaking in Prince George and Mackenzie, British Columbia.
Department of the Environment
August 3, 2024: Notice with respect to reporting of plastic resins and certain plastic products for the Federal Plastics Registry.
August 3, 2024: Notice of (SNAc) for alkanes, C4-8-branched and linear, CAS 2529890-37-5.
August 24, 2024: Notice regarding conditions for the manufacture or import of octanamide, N-hydroxy-.
August 24, 2024: Notice regarding the interim order respecting releases of benzene from petrochemical facilities in Sarnia, Ontario.
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
August 3, 2024: Designation as fingerprint examiner for Michael Mikkelsen, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
August 3, 2024: Designation as fingerprint examiner for Daniel Cifuentes, Winnipeg Police Service.
Privy Council Office
August 3, 2024: Notice of appointment opportunities for various Governor in Council positions.
August 10, 2024: Notice of appointment opportunities for various Governor in Council positions.
August 17, 2024: Notice with respect to appointment opportunities for Governor in Council positions.
August 24, 2024: Notice of various appointment opportunities including positions at the Bank of Canada, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, and other organizations.
August 31, 2024: Notice of appointment opportunities for various Governor in Council positions, including Director positions at the Bank of Canada, Canada Lands Company Limited, Canadian Energy Regulator, and others.
Canada Revenue Agency
August 10, 2024: Revocation of the registration of Jewish National Fund of Canada Inc. for failure to meet provisions of the Income Tax Act.
August 10, 2024: Revocation of the registration of Ne’eman Foundation Canada for failure to meet provisions of the Income Tax Act.
August 24, 2024: Notice of proposed revocation of registration for the charity Jabez Foundation / Fondation Jabez, Peterborough, ON.
Department of Health
August 10, 2024: Notice of the final Objective for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
August 10, 2024: Notice of the withdrawal of the final Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS).
August 10, 2024: Notice of the withdrawal of the final Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
August 17, 2024: Notice with respect to the publication of results of investigations for approximately 25,200 substances on the Domestic Substances List.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
August 10, 2024: Notice of the publication of RSS-123, Issue 5, “Licensed Wireless Microphones,” setting out certification requirements for licensed wireless microphones and wireless multichannel audio systems (WMAS).
August 17, 2024: Notice with respect to the release of Standard Radio System Plan SRSP-506, issue 3, outlining technical requirements for land mobile and fixed radio services, including broadband systems, in specific frequency bands.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
August 10, 2024: Notice of the issuance of letters patent incorporating Green Shield Canada Insurance and order to commence and carry on business.
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
August 16, 2024: Determination of the number of electors on the preliminary lists for the pending by-elections in LaSalle—Émard—Verdun and Elmwood—Transcona.
Public Service Commission
August 17, 2024: Permission and leave granted to Dominic Vautour, Employment and Social Development Canada, under the Public Service Employment Act.
Department of Industry
August 17, 2024: Notice with respect to appointments.
Global Affairs Canada
August 17, 2024: Notice with respect to consulting Canadians on the operation of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).
Canada Energy Regulator
August 24, 2024: Notice of application to export electricity to the United States by Manitoba Hydro.
August 31, 2024: Notice of application to export electricity to the United States by ALLETE, Inc. d/b/a Minnesota Power.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
August 24, 2024: Notice regarding Ministerial Instructions for processing certain applications for a study permit made by a foreign national as a member of the student class.
Park Agency
August 31, 2024: Notice regarding the description of critical habitat of Redside Dace in Rouge National Urban Park of Canada under the Species at Risk Act.
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
August 31, 2024: Notice regarding the amendment to the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement — Addition of Island Timberlands to Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation.