May's legislative developments in Ottawa
munitions to Ukraine, environmental racism, horses by air, automated external defibrillators, the purpose of a corporation, sports betting, Canada-Taiwan relations, a national strategy for eye care
Today’s issue of Queen Street Analytics covers May’s key legislative developments in Ottawa, with updates on bills that sit in committee, bills that went through first, second or third reading in the House and the Senate, and bills that received royal assent to become law.
Table of Contents (by file):
Energy, Environment and Resources
Agriculture and Forestry
Transport and Infrastructure
Finance, Banking, Commerce
Industry, Technology, Science
International Trade and Foreign Affairs
Indigenous Peoples
National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
Fisheries and Oceans
Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Languages
Highlights (by file):
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1. Energy, Environment and Resources
First Reading in the House
Bill C-388 (fast track energy and mining projects and to facilitate the provision of munitions to Ukraine and develop its munitions industry): first reading completed on May 2
Third Reading in the Senate
Bill C-226 (respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice): progress towards third reading
House-Committee on Natural Resources (RNNR)
Study on Canada’s Clean Energy Plans in the Context of North American Energy Transformation
1 meeting held in May. In total, 12 meetings held since September 2023
3 new briefs submitted in May by: International Association of Hydrogeologists, Ottawa River Institute. In total, 25 briefs submitted by: ATCO Ltd., Bioindustrial Innovation Canada, Canada's Building Trades Unions, Canadian Biogas Association, Canadian Fuels Association, Canadian Gas Association, Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, Canadian Nuclear Association, Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, Dumont Nickel Project, Electricity Canada, General Fusion, Hycamite TCD Technologies, Hydrogen Naturally, Ontario Power Generation Inc., Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries, Parkland Corporation, Word Resources Institute.
No witnesses appeared in May. In total, 44 witnesses appeared since September 2023
Study on Canada’s Electricity Grid and Network
2 meetings held in May.
2 new briefs submitted in May by: Electro-Federation Canada.
6 witnesses appeared in May from Department of Natural Resources, Department of the Environment
House Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI)
Study on Environment and Climate Impacts Related to the Canadian Financial System
3 meetings held in May.
No briefs submitted
24 witnesses appeared in May from AlphaFixe Capital, Deloitte, Goodman Sustainability Group Inc., Impact Evaluation Lab, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Montreal Economic Institute, Office of the Auditor General, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Study on Freshwater
1 meeting held in May. In total, 20 meetings held since since October 2023.
5 new briefs submitted in April by ALUS, Arctic Research Foundation, Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters, Coalition Navigation, We the Nuclear Free North. Previously, 46 briefs submitted by: AquaAction, Assembly of First Nations, Atlantic First Nations Water Authority Inc., Canadian Cattle Association, Canadian Environmental Law Association, Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, Canadian Water Quality Association, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Council of the Great Lakes Region, DataStream, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Environmental Defence Canada, EPCOR Utilities Inc., Fondation Rivières, Foresight Canada, Forest Products Association of Canada, Forum for Leadership on Water, International Association for Great Lakes Research, International Observatory on Nature’s Rights, Living Lakes Canada, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Ottawa Riverkeeper, Sanexen Environmental Services Inc., Surfrider Foundation Canada, Syngenta Canada Inc., T. Bjornson & Associates Consulting Inc., United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Water Rangers, York Region Environmental Alliance
Witnesses appeared in April from ALTRA, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Okanagan Basin Water Board, Prairie Provinces Water Board. In total, 164 witnesses appeared since October 2023.
2. Agriculture and Forestry
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-355 (prohibit the export by air of horses for slaughter and to make related amendments to certain Acts): progress towards second reading
House Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (AGRI)
Study on Issues Relating to the Horticultural Sector
3 meetings held in May. In total, 5 meetings held since February.
3 briefs submitted in May by the Camada Prgamoc Trade Association, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, Farmers for Climate Solutions. In total, 4 briefs were submitted since February by: National Farmers Union
13 witnesses appeared in May from Canada Organic Trade Association, Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute, Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Mushroom Growers' Association, Farm Credit Canada, Farmers for Climate Solutions, Ontario Tender Fruit Growers, Producteurs de légumes de transformation du Québec, Sustane Technologies Inc., Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia. In total, 29 witnesses appeared since February.
3. Transport and Infrastructure
House Committee on Transport, Infrastructure (TRAN)
Study on the State of Airline Competition in Canada
3 meetings held in May. In total, 4 meetings held since April.
1 brief submitted in May from Airlines for America
18 witnesses appeared in May from Abbotsford International Airport, Air Canada, Air Passenger Rights, Air Transat, Airlines for America, Competition Bureau Canada, Department of Transport, Flair Airlines Ltd., Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, National Airlines Council of Canada, NAV CANADA, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, WestJet Airlines Ltd.. In total, 20 witnesses appeared since April.
Study on Projects of High Frequency Rail Between Quebec City and Toronto, Between Calgary and Banff, and Between Calgary and Edmonton
2 meetings held in May. In total, 8 meetings held since September 2023.
In total, 4 briefs submitted since November 2023 by City of Drummondville, City of Montréal, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, International Transport Workers' Federation.
In total, 33 witnesses appeared since September 2023.
Study on Competition Act and Air Travel in Northern, Rural, and Remote Communities of Canada
1 meeting held in May. No prior meetings
No briefs submitted.
7 witnesses in May appeared from Air North, Canadian North Inc., Northern Air Transport Association, Town of Smithers, Union des municipalités du Québec.
Senate Committee on Transport and Comms (TRCM)
Bill S-273, An Act to declare the Chignecto Isthmus Dykeland System and related works to be for the general advantage of Canada
4 meetings held in May. No prior meetings
18 witnesses appeared in May from Fort Folly First Nation, Government of New Brunswick, Government of Nova Scotia, Infrastructure Canada, Kwilmu'kw Maw-Klusuaqn, Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Incorporated, Office of the Honourable Senator Jim Quinn, Public Services and Procurement Canada, University of Alberta, University of New Brunswick, University of Waterloo
Bill C-288, An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act
1 meeting held in May. In total, 2 meetings held since April
7 witnesses appeared in May from Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Canadian Telecommunications Association, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Rural Municipalities of Alberta
4. Finance, Banking, Commerce
First Reading in the Senate
Bill C-389 (amend the Excise Tax Act (automated external defibrillators)): first reading completed on May 7
Bill S-285 (amend the Canada Business Corporations Act (purpose of a corporation)): first reading completed on May 23
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-50 (respecting accountability, transparency and engagement to support the creation of sustainable jobs for workers and economic growth in a net-zero economy): second reading completed on May 23
Third Reading in the Senate
Bill C-241 (amend the Income Tax (deduction of travel expenses for tradespersons): progress towards third reading
Bill S-269 (respecting a national framework on advertising for sports betting): second reading completed on May 9
House Committee on Finance (FINA)
Report of the Bank of Canada on Monetary Policy
1 meeting held in May. In total, 7 meetings held since April 2022
No briefs submitted
2 witnesses appeared in May from Bank of Canada. In total, 14 witnesses appeared since April 2022.
Bill C-69
An Act to Implement Certain Provisions of the Budget Tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024
2 meetings held in May. No previous meetings held.
No briefs submitted
101 witnesses appeared in May from: BC Diabetes Foundation, BGC East Scarborough, Canada Border Services Agency, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canadian Council for Refugees, Canadian Health Food Association, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Canadian Teachers' Federation, Communications Security Establishment, Convenience Industry Council of Canada, Correctional Service of Canada, Customs and Immigration Union, Department of Canadian Heritage, Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, Department of Employment and Social Development, Department of Finance, Department of Health, Department of Industry, Department of Justice, Department of Transport, Department of the Environment, Desjardins Group, Dow Canada, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, Financial Data and Technology Association of North America, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, Fintechs Canada, Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society, Mining Association of Canada, Momentum, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, OneClose, Public Health Agency of Canada, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat, Union québécoise des microdistilleries, University of Ottawa. ​​
Senate Committee Banking, Commerce, Economy (BANC)
No major updates from Committee
5. Industry, Technology, Science
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-244 (amend the Copyright Act (diagnosis, maintenance and repair)): second reading completed on May 9
Bill C-294 (amend the Copyright Act (interoperability)): second reading completed on May 9
House Committee on Industry and Technology (INDU)
Study on Development and Deployment of ELYSIS Technology at Rio Tinto and Alcoa Facilities
1 meeting held in May. In total, 2 meetings held since April.
No briefs submitted on this issue yet.
2 witnesses appeared in May. In total, 4 witnesses appeared since April.
Bill C-27
An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts
5 meetings held in May. In total, 41 meetings held since September 2023.
5 briefs submitted in May from BSA The Software Alliance, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Mastercard Canada. In total, 111 briefs submitted since May 2023 from ACTRA - National, AI Governance and Safety Canada, AI Governance and Safety Canada, Amnesty International Canada, Amnistie internationale Canada francophone, Assembly of First Nations, Association nationale des éditeurs de livres, Association of Canadian Publishers, Automotive Industries Association of Canada, BSA The Software Alliance, Bellissimo Law Group Professional Corporation, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Anonymization Network, Canadian Association of Professional Employees, Canadian Authors Association, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Canadian Marketing Association, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Research Insights Council, Canadian Telecommunications Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Center for Information Technology Policy, Centre for Digital Rights, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Copibec, David Young Law, Directors Guild of Canada, Electronic Transactions Association, Entertainment Software Association of Canada, Equite Association, Financial Data and Technology Association of North America, Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, General Motors of Canada Limited, Gladstone AI, Google Canada, Hadfield, Gillian, Holowaychuk, Jeff, Imagine Canada, Information and Communications Technology Council, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, International Association of Privacy Professionals, International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, International Committee of the Red Cross, IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc., Literary Press Group of Canada, Mastercard Canada, Meta Platforms Inc., Microsoft, Motion Picture Association-Canada, Music Canada, Officces of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada, OpenMedia, Option consommateurs, Privacy and Access Council of Canada, Public Health Association of BC, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Regroupement des éditeurs canadiens-français, Retail Council of Canada, Salesforce, Screen Composers Guild of Canada, The Canadian Bar Association - Privacy and Access Law Section, The Dais at Toronto Metropolitan University, UNICEF Canada, Union des consommateurs, Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois, Women's Legal Education and Action Fund.
13 witnesses appeared in May from Department of Industry. In total, 131 witnesses appeared since April.
Senate Committee on Science and Technology (SOCI)
No major updates from Committee
6. International Trade and Foreign Affairs
Second Reading in the House
Bill S-277 (respecting a framework to strengthen Canada-Taiwan relations): progress towards second reading
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-281 (International Human Rights Act): second reading completed on May 29
House Committee on International Trade (CIIT)
Study on Canadian Businesses in Supply Chains and Global Markets
3 meetings held in May. In total, 8 meetings have been held since January.
1 new brief submitted in May by: Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries. No previous briefs submitted.
18 witnesses appeared in May from: Aluminium Association of Canada, Arctic Gateway Group, Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association, Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, Canadian Trucking Alliance, Canadian Wood Pallet and Container Association, Eagle Graphite Corporation, Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario, KC Recycling, Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, PECO Pallet, Port Alberni Port Authority, Prairies Economic Development Canada, Railway Association of Canada, Vancouver Airport Authority, Western Grain Elevator Association. In total, 58 witnesses appeared since January.
Study on Effects of American and European Seafood Import Policies on the Fishing Industry in Canada
2 meetings held in May.
1 brief submitted from Fur Institute of Canada.
11 witnesses appeared in May from Bay of Fundy Inshore Fishermen's Association, Canadian Whale Institute, Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Council of Canada, Lobster Council of Canada, Louisbourg Seafoods Ltd., Pacific Balance Pinniped Society, Prince Edward Island Fishermen's Association
Study on 2026 CUSMA Review
1 meeting held in May.
No brief submitted.
6 witnesses appeared in May from: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, Canadian Steel Producers Association, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Unifor.
House Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE)
Study on Canada’s Approach to Africa
4 meetings held in May. In total, 8 meetings held since April.
5 briefs submitted in May by Canadian Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Food for the Hungry, International Rescue Committee, SOCODEVI. In total, 7 briefs submitted in April by Humanity and Inclusion Canada.
16 witnesses appeared in May from Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Centre for International Studies and Cooperation, Cuso International, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie, Food for the Hungry, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief Canada, United Nations World Food Programme. In total, 24 witnesses appeared since April from Canadian Council on Africa, Canadian Global Affairs Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Dalhousie University, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, French Institute for International Affairs, King’s University College at Western University Canada, Stephen Lewis Foundation, The Brookings Institution, The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business, Université du Québec à Montréal, University of the Fraser Valley.
Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (AEFA)
No major updates from Committee
7. Indigenous Peoples
House Committee on Indigenous/Northern Affairs (INAN)
Study on Nutrition North Canada
1 meeting held in May.
No briefs submitted.
9 witnesses appeared in May from Calm Air International LP, Canadian North Inc., Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, Kimik Cooperative Ltd., North West Company.
Study on Tax Revenues from Businesses on First Nations Territories
2 meetings held in May.
No briefs submitted.
16 witnesses appeared in May from Canada Border Services Agency, Canada Revenue Agency, Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, Department of Finance, Department of Indigenous Services, Department of Justice, First Nations Financial Management Board, First Nations Infrastructure Institute, First Nations Tax Commission.
Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples (APPA)
Report on Bill C-69
An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024
1 meeting held in May.
4 witnesses appeared in May from Crown Investment and Asset Management Department of Finance Canada, First Nations Major Projects Coalition, Fort Nelson First Nation, Nòkwewashk Natural Resources Canada.
8. National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
House Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU)
Study on Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada
1 meeting held in May. In total, 6 meetings held since February 2024
In total, 10 briefs were submitted: Association des directeurs de police du Québec, Association of Canadian Port Authorities, Automotive Industries Association of Canada, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, Canadian Vehicle Exporter's Association, Customs and Immigration Union, National Police Federation, VIN Verification Services Inc., York Regional Police
6 witnesses appeared in May from Canada Border Services Agency, Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Department of Transport, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In total, 37 witnesses have appeared since February 26, 2024
Bill C-70
An Act Respecting Countering Foreign Interference
1 meeting held in May. No previous meetings held.
No briefs submitted.
7 witnesses appeared in May from Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Department of Justice, Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
House Committee on National Defence (NDDN)
Bill S-210
An Act to Restrict Young Persons’ Online Access to Sexually Explicit Material
3 meetings held in May.
20 new briefs submitted in May from Age Verification Providers Association, BC Coalition of Experiential Communities, Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform, Connecting to Protect, Defend Dignity,, Internet Society, Living in Community, National Council of Women of Canada, SafeLink Alberta, Vancouver Collective Against Sexual Exploitation, Yukon Status of Women Council. In total, 34 briefs were submitted since January from Association for Reformed Political Action Canada, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, Bridge2Future.
15 witness appeared in May from Department of Canadian Heritage, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
Study on Space Defense
1 meeting held in May.
No briefs have been submitted
8 witnesses appeared in May from: MDA Space, Maritime Launch Services Ltd., NorthStar Earth and Space, Space Canada, Telesat. In total, 14 witnesses appeared since March.
Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs (SECD)
No major updates from Committee
House Committee on Veterans Affairs (ACVA)
Study on Experience of Women Veterans
2 meetings held in May. In total, there were 31 meetings held since February 2024.
No briefs have been submitted in May. In total, 10 briefs submitted by Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families, Bridge2Future, Davidson Institute, Women, Peace and Security Network - Canada
In total, 93 witnesses have appeared since March 2023
9. Fisheries and Oceans
House Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO)
Study on Scales Used by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to Set Redfish Quotas
1 meeting held in May. In total, there were 3 meetings held since February 2024
2 briefs submitted in May by Atlantic Groundfish Council, Gulf Shrimp Coalition.
1 witness appeared from Atlantic Groundfish Council. In total, 10 witnesses since February from Coopérative des Capitaines Propriétaires de la Gaspésie, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fédération régionale acadienne des pêcheurs professionnels, Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union, Quebec Office of Shrimp Fishermen.
Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (POFO)
No major updates from Committee
10. Health
First Reading in the Senate
Bill S-284 (establish a National Framework on Health Failure): first reading completed on May 23
Second Reading in the House
Bill C-368 (amend the Food and Drugs Act (natural health products)): second reading completed on May 29
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-275 (amend the Health of Animals Act (biosecurity on farms)): second reading completed on May 9
Bill C-284 (establish a national strategy for eye care): second reading completed on May 29
House Committee on Health (HESA)
Study on Women’s Health
1 meeting held in May. In total, 8 meetings held since November 2023
4 briefs were submitted in May from Centre for Addition and Mental Health, London Abused Women’s Centre, University of British Columbia Perinatal Anxiety Research Laboratory. In total, 66 briefs submitted since February 24, 2022
4 witnesses appeared in May from MS Canada. In total, 43 witnesses appeared since November 2023
Bill C-64
3 meetings held in May.
33 briefs submitted in May by Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform, Canadian Association of Retired Persons, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Forum for Rare Disease Innovators, Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Council of Canadians, Fédération régionale acadienne des pêcheurs professionnels, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Indigenous Diabetes Association Inc., Innovative Medicines Canada, International Association of Fire Fighters, MS Canada, National Indigenous Diabetes Association Inc., Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada, New Brunswick Federation of Labour, Ontario Federation of Labour, Parkinson Canada, Smart Health Benefits Coalition, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter
28 witnesses appeared in May from Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management, Canadian Association of Retired Persons, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association, Canadian Health Coalition, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders, Canadian Pharmacists Association, Diabetes Canada, Best Medicines Coalition, Geneviève Pelletier, Canadian Pharmacists Association, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, Canadian Pharmacists Association, Best Medicines Coalition, Canadian Health Coalition, JDRF Canada, Department of Health, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Hon. Mark Holland, JDRF Canada, National Indigenous Diabetes Association Inc., Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Russell Williams, Smart Health Benefits Coalition, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
11. Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Language
First Reading in the House
Bill C-71 (amend the Citizenship Act (2024)): first reading completed on May 23
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-232 (respecting Arab Heritage Month): second reading completed on May 9
Bill C-280 (amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (deemed trust – perishable fruits and vegetables)): second reading completed on May 9
Bill S-264 (establish International Tax Justice and Cooperative Day): second reading on May 9
Bill S-276 (respecting Ukrainian Heritage Month): second reading completed on May 9
House Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA)
Bill C-58
An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code and the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2012
1 meeting in May. In total, 6 meetings held since March.
In total, 20 briefs were submitted since April from Canadian Association of Broadcasters, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian National Millers Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Canada, Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, Federally Regulated Employers - Transportation and Communications, Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, NAV CANADA, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Quebec Employers' Council, Teamsters Canada, Unifor, United Steelworkers Union.
3 witnesses appeared in May from the Department of Employment and Social Development. In total, 37 witnesses appeared since March.
Bill C-322
An Act to Develop a National Framework to Establish a School Food Program
2 meetings held in May.
8 briefs submitted in May from Assembly of First Nations, BGC Canada, Canadian Home and School Federation, Center for Health Science and Law, Food Allergy Canada, Helping Hearts Youth Foundation, UNICEF Canada
4 witnesses appeared in May from Kids Against Hunger Canada, Mission Services of Hamilton.
Study on Intergenerational Volunteerism
1 meeting held in May. In total, 4 meetings were held since December 2023.
In total, 6 briefs were submitted since December 2023 from University of Waterloo, Volunteer Canada, Volunteer Grandparents
In total, 9 witnesses appeared since December 2023
Study on Federal Housing Investments
1 meeting held in May.
No previous briefs submitted.
3 witnesses appeared in May from Canadian Home Builders’ Association, Residential Construction Council of Ontario, Royal Bank of Canada
That is it for today’s issue. Next week, we cover the key regulatory developments that occurred in April.